The Imperial war museum is well worth a visit this holiday especially as its starting to get considerably colder, its a place where children can not only have fun but learn at the same time and above all its free.
Having recently been turned into a blockbusting film directed by Steven Spielberg, Michael Murpurgo’s novel, War Horse, has now been voted by visitors to IWM North, part of Imperial War Museums, as their favourite children’s wartime book.
The moving tale of Joey, a horse detailed for service in France during the First World War, and his young owner Albert has captured the hearts of children since it was first published in 1982. It now features alongside other much loved stories about war in a major exhibition, Once Upon A Wartime, at IWM North in Manchester.
The poll, which surveyed visitors to IWMN North throughout the summer, revealed Robert Westall’s adventure novel, The Machine Gunners, as the second most popular book, closely followed by Carrie’s War, the story of an evacuee and her brother by Nina Bawden.
Visitors were also asked which favourite childhood book they would most like to pass on to their
own children. Favourites included The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe and Anne Frank’s Diary.
The Once Upon A Wartime exhibition explores the world of children’s wartime literature, bringing five much loved books to life for visitors of all ages. The painting that inspired Morpurgo to write the original War Horse novel sits alongside items from the set of Spielberg’s Hollywood film in the exhibition, as well as genuine items from IWM’s collections, revealing the true history behind the fiction.
IWM North is running a programme of free activities for all the family, inspired by the exhibition, until 2 September. On Saturday 25 August, visitors will be able to take part in a Bank Holiday Book Swap – where visitors can share their old books and explore other people’s favourites. Further free activities include a storytelling session by National Storytelling Laureate Katrice Horsley (28 Aug), performances, creative activities, object handling and tours of the exhibition.
Graham Boxer, Director of IWM North said: ‘War Horse is an emotional and moving tale of hardship, loyalty and adventure that appeals to both children and adults alike, so we are not surprised it has been voted the favourite of all children’s wartime books by our visitors. At IWM North, we are bringing War Horse and other novels to life through our exhibition and free activities so that everyone can get involved and be inspired by these great stories.’
For further information on IWM North and all activities, visit www.iwm.org.uk
To celebrate i have 3 copies of War Horse to give away and all you have to do is leave a comment below with your email address, like my blog and facebook page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Two-little-munchkins-and-me/122558704508095
Competition closes Thursday 27 th August at 10pm
following as terry eaves tezeaves@hotmail.com